Bear with me for a couple of days. Soon, this little baby will be having it's own layout, designed by yours truly. Stocks and vectors are fun to play with. I miss my photo manipulation days. Anyways, just to keep this blog alive, here's another cover. Apologize by Silverstein. Yep. I love their 'Heroine'. This cover, is another love interest of mine. Enjoy :)
p/s: My desktop is so full and messy, I can't find my assignments! Oh, ok. Found it! Remind me to put everything in new folders and uh, lab report due tomorrow and I still dunno how to find the big M. Argh! Oh well, better continue with the slides now.
pp/s: I am not living in denial! And it doesn't hurt anyone if I'm trying to achieve a harder goal? What's up with the weird dreams lately. Last night, someone or something was beheaded. With a wire string! Ah dammit. It's either a boy or a dog. Please let it be a dog. I rather stay up and never go to sleep again than having these ridiculous games. (mimpi itu mainan syaitan, haven't you heard? - some said, only for evening naps while dreams at night sometimes have their own meaning. hmmm)
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