Someone's getting old!


I want a dslr! A new laptop will be fine too. Oh, a free MSc is even better. Ohhh, I know! A brain that can be upgraded and can store all information for exam! Yessss, the perfect birthday present please :B

I'm still half way through my lab report, have yet to study and uh, wtf with the sorethroat?! The screen's back to blue tint. So, I can only see white, black, blue and yellow. How awesome. NOT!


Mrs Nurul said...

kuang asam gak ko ni kan. banyak gile plak ko mintak. sape nak kasik sume tu? ok, lemme give u a brain injection,your head will become big as *pinki and the brain* nak bg ko jadi professor.

aez said...

xnak big..just super smart

Henry Lee said...

someone is getting older 2moro? hmm.. i wonder who ar? LOL :p

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