Goodbye Blogger, Hello Tumblr!


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Yesh, I've moved from Blogger to Tumblr for quite some time now. Why? Simply because I'm too lazy to type out whatever that I have so say, I reblog other people's posts instead! Haha. You might call it being NOT original, but no one's really THAT original after all. You follow other people's haircut, follow other's fashion sense, follow this and follow that. Reblogging is not wrong at all! In fact the original author would love it to be reblogged, noted and liked :)

Tumblr's IS that much simpler because I've no time to update my blog. Link me there and follow me if you want to. But I still have yet to figure out how to enable comments and such. Reblog is the new blogging! (for me it is! shhhhh~)


nn said...

i love to talk (write/type) too much i had to delete my tumblr. hahaha. tak reti lah.

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