Which came first?


Chicken or egg? Some of you might say chicken and others probably will say the latter. Well, the truth is, the egg came first (hahaha, see the power of reading? You'll know the answers to everything.) It's all about evolution. Like our ancestors, we look nothing like them. Big foreheads, lots of hair, longer arms, slouchy back etc (imagine: caveman). We've somehow gradually evolved from what we were to what we are now.

Same as the chicken. What we called a chicken today, might have webbed feet millions of years ago, which will make their movement hard and slow. Then, one day, one of the chickens laid an egg, and from that egg came a bird that didn't have webbed feet. It had evolved. Everything had to start with the egg, all changes start with an egg, therefore the egg came first!



nn said...

nice theory there. hehe. tak pernah nak fikir betul2 pasal benda tu. i owes thot its a trick question. haha

Henry Lee said...

lol to da fat man...

Unknown said...

hm...i like that thinking....probably one of the best answers i've heard haha

The Dreamer said...

its from a book i bought recently :) and come to think of it, its kinda true..if human can evolve, why cant other beings? hahaha XD

KizZ said...

haha...no comment on this topic..telur,ayam?ayam,telur?this make kiz crazyyy...XD

Mrs Nurul said...

aku harap lepas ni cicak dilahirkan takde kaki. senang aku nak rembat dorang.

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